![The Password Game](https://igre.games/wp-content/uploads/thumbs/custom/T/The-Password-Game-150x150.jpg)
Na samom početku igrači se susreću s pet osnovnih pravila kao što je minimalan broj znakova, koji zahtijevaju brojeve, velika slova i posebne znakove. Međutim, kako se igrači vješto snalaze u tim početnim zahtjevima, suočavaju se s dodatnim pravilima, jedno za drugim, dosežući ukupno 35 pravila. Svako novo pravilo nadovezuje se na prethodna, što dovodi do sve izazovnijeg i nekonvencionalnog procesa stvaranja lozinke.
Kako bi napredovali u The Password Game, igrači se moraju pridržavati svih prethodnih pravila, što dovodi do potencijalnih sukoba i svaki korak čini sve većim izazovom. Nakon što igrači vjeruju da su zadovoljili svih 35 pravila, potvrđuju svoju konačnu lozinku i zatim imaju dvije minute da je ponovno točno utipkaju. Neispunjavanje ovog posljednjeg zadatka dovodi do resetiranja igre, što navodi igrače da počnu ispočetka.
Kojih je 35 pravila?
- 1. At least 5 characters
- 2. A number
- 3. An uppercase letter
- 4. A special character
- 5. Digits must add up to 25
- 6. Needs to include a month
- 7. Needs a Roman numeral
- 8. Needs to contain one of "Pepsi", "Starbucks", "Shell"
- 9. Roman numerals need to multiply to 35
- 10. Needs to contain a randomly generated CAPTCHA
- 11. Needs today's Wordle answer
- 12. Two-letter symbol from the periodic table.
- 13. Current phase of the moon as an emoji
- 14. Name of the country from Google Maps
- 15. Type Leap year
- 16. Calculate the best chess move
- 17. Paul the Egg ! Don't delete him by accident
- 18. Atomic numbers that add up to 200
- 19. All vowels must be bolded
- 20. Delete all of the before it deletes your password
- 21. Add 4 of :man_lifting_weights:
- 22. Needs to contain one of "i am loved", "i am worthy", "i am enough"
- 23. Egg hatches, feed him a worm every 20 seconds or paste in 3 worms every 50 seconds
- 24. Find a YouTube video with a randomly generated length
- 25. Pick 2 letters you will no longer be able to use
- 26. Need twice as much italic letters as you have in bold
- 27. At least 30% of your password needs to be in Wingdings
- 28. Type random color it generates in hex
- 29. All Roman numbers need to be in Times New Roman
- 30. Font size of every digit must be equal to its square
- 31. Every instance of the same letter needs a unique font size
- 32. Password needs to contain password's length as a number
- 33. Password length also needs to be a prime number
- 34. You need the current time in format HH:MM
- 35. Re-type the password into another textbox, you have 2 minutes to do this. Good Luck.