– Conquer the World

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If you are looking for a fun and epic strategy game that is also very easy to play, give it a try – Conquer the World in the Strategy Game. It is an action strategy game in which you can conquer territories and countries. Your overall goal is to completely conquer all territories in the world.

It is a fun and exciting game that also has a simple gameplay. It won't take you long to learn the game. Although simple, the game can still be a bit challenging.

Conquer the territory in this fun game

A game – Conquer the World in the Strategy Game it is not so difficult, as we said at the very beginning. To play the game, tap to start the battle. But first you have to choose the color of your territory. After that, you tap and start playing. You will start with a number, which is your troops.

And then your territory will be next to several states, and each state will also have numbers. The numbers represent the troops you need to defeat. In order to conquer territory, you must send several larger troops than the territory you are going to conquer. The challenge is that there is another territory that is also conquering unconquered states.

So it's a race between the two of you. And you win a level by winning your opponent too. But the other territory is more difficult to conquer because their numbers grow, similar to yours. This means that you will have to conquer more territory first, so you will have more sources of troops to use to conquer your opponent.

Once you complete an area, you earn coins that you can use for upgrades. You can upgrade the units you start with and the speed at which troops are added. Upgrades are necessary, as conquering territory becomes more difficult as you progress further. There are areas where you have to deal with more than 1 opponent, so you have to upgrade. This is a fun and exciting game that you will surely enjoy.

Features of this strategy game
An easy to learn yet challenging game.
Many different areas and territories to conquer.
Upgrade your territory to make it easier to conquer.
Free to play game
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