Supremacy 1914 World War 1

Supremacy 1914 World War 1
Supremacy 1914 is a real-time strategy game created by the German studio Bytro Lab. You will manage one of the main countries involved in the First World War.

At the beginning you will choose a country. You could play the role of Queen Victoria and other historical figures or something completely fictional. Each territory has different advantages, such as geographical location and available resources. Once you're in the game, the action takes place in real-time around the world, with historically accurate troops and vehicles filling the map. Despite positional advantages, all players have the same tools at their disposal. As a world leader, you have diplomacy, resources, the stock market, war, and the freedom to join alliances with other players to gain a mutually beneficial advantage.
Press the left mouse button to interact with objects and menu items.
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