"Zombie Survival Shooting" is a cool opportunity to immerse yourself in the world of the apocalypse, where the planet is enveloped by an unfortunate virus. This is not a simple cold, which requires several days of rest to recover. The zombie virus first stirs the mind, and then a person loses control of himself, turning into a real monster. Having lost all humanity, this creature begins to move only by its instincts. It remains to hope that there is an antidote after all. The laboratory where the virus was created may have a cure. To get to this place, you have to overcome a long way. Are you ready to help our hero to save humanity?
The big journey will be divided into small levels, where you need to complete tasks on each of them. After years of fighting the virus, gangs began to form. These bandits attack the survivors. You'll have to meet some of these guys. Don't expect a warm welcome. Fortunately, you have a machine gun to protect yourself. Try to play from cover to take as little damage as possible. At the moment of reloading, the character stops, thus giving the enemy a chance to deal damage. So it's best to recharge away from the walking dead and bandits. Let's find out if you can complete the task and save the world. Good luck!