PAPALICA – Original Pacman Online

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PAPALICA – Original Pacman Online
It's been 40 years since Pac-Man game saw the world. The name of the game itself comes from the Japanese slang Paku Paku Akin, which literally means to devour, because the idea is based on the concept of eating. So the original name was Puck-Man.

Pac-Man takes place on a single screen with a dot-soaked maze, with generator ghosts in the bottom center (Blinky, Pinky, Inky, and Clyde are the primary group of fictional ghosts), and Pac-Man placed in the bottom half of the center screen. The goal is to raid all the points in the maze without getting caught by the Ghost (in the original game the monsters are called Monsters). Of course, Pac-Man is not without his own weapons. At each corner of the maze is a power pack. When Pac-Man eats a pack, the ghosts turn blue, indicating that Pac-Man is safe, and that he can even eat them. While Pac-Man gets points by eating dots and power balls, he also gets bonuses for each ghost he eats.

Once Pac-Man eats all the dots on the screen, the level is over. Each subsequent level is the same maze as the first, only the ghosts move faster and the effects of the power packs last less.
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