BattleDudes IO Game

BattleDudes IO Game is a team-based multiplayer 2D shooter with a fully destructible map. To help you fight your enemies, you have over 25 different weapons in your arsenal that you can unlock by playing the game and earning XP points.

U everything you see is destructible! If a wall gets in the way of you taking an enemy capture point, just knock it down. This allows hundreds of different ways to approach the game and its objectives.

On larger maps, you can use vehicles like jeeps and tankers to quickly travel around the map and transport your friends. While driving the jeep, your friend sitting in the passenger seat can shoot enemies! The heavily armored tank is a single-seater, but carries a powerful turret that fires explosive rockets. Just watch out for enemies with RPGs.
WASD to move
Left mouse button to shoot
R to reload
E for entering vehicles
Mouse movement or 1-4 number keys to switch weapons
M or Tab to enlarge the map
You can customize the controls in the settings
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