Bela (Belot) – kako igrati?

White (Belot) is a card game that you can play in two, three or four, with the fact that it is most often played in four. Each game consists of dealing, determining trumps, calling, playing and collecting points.

Dealing and determining trumps

A traitor is played with a deck of 32 cards (boy, queen, king, ace, X, IX, VIII, VII) or with Hungarian cards - instead of the symbols hertz, club, spade and diamond, the symbols are pumpkin, leaf, acorn and heart. Cards are dealt counter-clockwise.

White in two

Each player is dealt three cards face down, then the next three cards (six cards in total). The dealer then turns the card face up. Then he deals an additional four cards to his opponent and himself (these cards are called talon). The rest of the cards are placed on the card that was previously placed face up, but in such a way that you can see which card it is.
The first six cards are picked up and the trumps are determined. The player who did not deal has the advantage. The player decides whether to call, that is, to determine that the trump card is the suit that is on the card facing up and on which the rest of the undealt cards are located, or whether to say "next".
In case he says "next", the player who dealt gets the same option, which he can accept or reject. If both players refuse to make the trump the suit that is on the card face up, the right to determine the trump is again given to the player who did not deal. He can choose a trump, but that it is not the suit that he rejected the first time and which is on the face-up card, or he can say further a second time.
This time the dealer must determine the trump card among the three remaining suits. When the trump is determined, both players raise the remaining four cards (talon), so that each player has a total of ten cards in their hands.

White in three

Each player receives three cards face down, then three more cards (six in total), and then four more cards in the deck that are separately separated from the first six cards. The two remaining cards are intended for the first player to the dealer's right (he is the first player in turn). Players pick up the first six cards dealt and the first player to the dealer's right must call trump. When the trump card is determined, the players raise the talon (the player who called raises six cards and the others four). Then the player who called, i.e. determined trump, chooses two of his cards to discard, so that all three now have the same number of cards in their hands (10). Discarded cards belong to the player who called trump. He puts them away among his quirks.

White in four

The main feature of white four is that it is played in pairs. Two opposing pairs aim to collect half + 1 points of the total game by playing together. Each player receives three cards face down, then three more cards (six in total), and finally two cards in the deck that are separately separated from the first six. The first six cards are dealt and trumps are determined. First in line is the player on the dealer's right. The player is only allowed to look at the cards when he calls, and when he does not call, he puts the cards down on the table. The player decides whether to call (determine trump) or call further. In case he says further, he raises the card and the right to determine the trump card goes to the next player on the right who has the same rights as the previous one. When it is the dealer's turn, he must call. When someone calls a trump, everyone raises their talon and the game begins.

Vocation in Bela

By "vocation" is meant a special series of cards that the player has in his hands, which brings him additional points. There are four types of titles:

Four identical cards:
4 boys: 200 points
4 nines: 150 points
4 aces, tens, king and queen: 100 points
Four eights and four weeks are worth nothing.

A series of cards of the same suit (from 3 to 5 cards). When it comes to calling, the order of the cards is as follows: Ace, King, Queen, Jack, Ten, Nine, Eight and Seven.
3 cards in a row in the same suit are worth: 20 points
4 cards: 50 points
5 cards: 100 points
Six or seven cards in a row of the same suit are valued the same as a sequence of five cards, so 100 points.
Eight trump cards in a row are called "white" and the player who got the white automatically wins, regardless of the previous course of the game (such as if he suddenly wins 501 points in white in two, 701 points in white in three or 1001 points in white in four).
Like the name of the game, white is also called the case when the player has a king in his hands and a queen in his trump card. White is worth an additional 20 points. When it comes to professions, the strongest profession must be stated first, if it is determined that the player had a stronger profession, the first profession is recognized.

The title is recognized only to the couple that has the strongest (most valuable) title (the exception is white). Nothing is recognized for the second pair, even if they have several weaker titles in their hands which, when added together, are worth more than the titles of the opposite pair.

Four of a kind (except for eights and sevens) is stronger than a five-card suit. Between two sequences that contain the same number of cards, the sequence that contains the higher card has priority, so the sequence of eight, nine, ten, boy, is weaker than the sequence of nine, ten, boy, queen.

If, on the other hand, it happens that two players from opposite pairs have the same valuable title, the one who had the right to determine the trump before (the one who is closer to the dealer on the right) gets the advantage. A related title is allowed. A player who has a king and a queen in his trump card calls white the moment he throws one of those two cards for the first time. It is important to note that the player is obliged to clearly point out to the other players that he has the rank of white, and he will do this by saying "white" during the first throw of either king or queen. It is mandatory to announce white, while discarding the other card that forms white is not mandatory, although it can be said "from white". In white in fours, when a player has the right to call, then his partner automatically has the right to call.


The game starts with the first player from the right to the dealer. He is followed by the player next to him who not only has to respect the suit that was thrown, but also has to throw a card that is higher than the previous card that was thrown. For example, if the first player rolls the eight of spades, and the next player holds the seven of spades and the ten of spades, he must roll the ten on the eight, not the seven. This is the so-called Iberian rule (according to the German über – above). You should always throw the stronger card, of course, if the player has it. If the player does not have the initial suit played, then he throws the trump card. If he doesn't even have a trump card, only then can he throw any card.

If the first card is a trump card, the next player must throw a stronger card into the trump card, if he has one. If a suit that is not a trump is played first, and the player who is in turn has no cards to respect and throws a trump, the player after him must respect the starting suit, but does not have to respect "iber", i.e. he does not have to throw a stronger card than the starting one, and this is precisely because the player previously threw a trump card. For example: the trump is a heart, the first player throws the eight of spades, the next player has no spades and cuts the suit with the trump and throws any heart. The next player holds the ace of spades and the seven of spades and is free to throw the seven of spades, because the rule of the stronger card does not apply when a suit is cut by a trump.

The player who threw the strongest card buys a trick and plays first in the next throw.


The couple who wears the last touch gets an additional 10 points. A pair of cards (including white) is not recognized if they have not picked up at least one trick. If a player or card pair collects all the tricks, they get an additional 90 points.

A so-called clean game (a game in which there was no vocation) is 162 points. The calling pair must collect at least half + 1 point from the total game, if they want to pass. So if the game is clean, you need to collect 82 points to pass. Otherwise, it is not passed but "falls".

The sum of points in the game increases if they are in the division of titles. All titles are added up and added to 162. Half+1 is again required from the obtained amount for the pass. (If there were 20 calls, the game is 182 - the pass is 92; if there were 50 calls, the game is 212 - the pass is 107 points).

If the card pair that called trump passed, i.e. collected half + 1 point from the total game, the points they managed to collect are added to each pair.

If the card pair that called the trump fell, i.e. did not collect half + 1 point from the total game, the opposite card pair gets all the points.

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